Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Flight Across the Atlantic to Greece

This is the morning after the day we left JFK only it is somewhere over the Atlantic or Spain. You can see the sun shining through the left side windows onto the right bulkhead.

Everyone is so excited that they were able shaved around five hours from the night's sleep.

Do I need to trim my nostrils?

Notice the cocktail?

On the way to Greece, after parking on the runway of JFK for awhile, Nicolsgetti is showing some attitude.

Mark is performing surgery on his pasta.


  1. I just realized the sun is shining through the left side of the plane. That means we were flying south. From the angle almost directly south. How'd that work since we were coming from the west side of the Atlantic? Hmmmm

  2. If you're flying from the west side of the Atlantic to the east via a northen route, you have to fly south to get to Greece. I don't understand the mystery, Miss Marple.
